An Emotion Code session is a form of energy healing where Amanda helps people get rid of their emotional baggage. The technique works to identify and literally release trapped emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events. Trapped emotions can cause depression, anxiety, they can block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. And because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the physical tissues and can cause acute pain and even diseases such as cancer. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal physically, and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much easier to deal with.
The Body Code, an in depth system of holistic healing, it is designed to address the embodiment of human health. While it includes the Emotion Code and its focus on releasing trapped emotional energies, it extends far beyond that to consider the full complexity of body wellness.
Here are the six key areas the Body Code focuses on:
- Energy: The Body Code identifies and addresses damaging energy patterns, from trapped emotional energies to post-traumatic energies, offensive energies, and more. This aspect is about optimizing the body’s energy field for optimal health and well-being.
- Circuit or System: Our bodies are made up of interconnected systems and circuits. When these are disrupted, health problems can arise. The Body Code is designed to pinpoint and correct these circuit imbalances, promoting better internal communication and function.
- Toxins: Harmful substances, whether physical or energetic, can impact our health. The Body Code seeks to identify potential toxins affecting your body and uses specific methods to release them, aiding your body in natural detoxification.
- Pathogens: Microscopic invaders like fungi, bacteria, viruses, and parasites can all have a detrimental impact on health. The Body Code can help identify hidden pathogens and assist your body in addressing these issues.
- Misalignments: Misalignments in bones, organs, glands, connective tissues, and other body structures can cause discomfort and contribute to disease. The Body Code works to identify and correct these misalignments, contributing to overall physical wellness.
- Nutrition or Lifestyle: Dietary choices and lifestyle factors can greatly affect our health. The Body Code can identify nutritional deficiencies and lifestyle imbalances that may be impacting your well-being, and suggest corrections.
The Body Code uses muscle testing, a form of biofeedback, to get yes/no answers from the subconscious mind in response to specific questions about imbalances in the body. This way, it can uncover the root cause of various health issues. The system also includes a set of healing techniques to correct these imbalances, thus promoting healing and restoration on multiple levels.
Remember, the Body Code is about more than just fixing what’s wrong. It’s about creating the ideal conditions for your body to thrive in every possible way, leading to increased energy, improved health, and a more positive emotional state.